Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hi, I am Natalie Morgan Tunnard. I felt like writing things down. 

Well, I live in Dallas, Texas and go to school at Southern Methodist University. I am not religious. I love cooking, outside, the cold coldddd weather, home (Philadelphia), my wonderful friends, Copenhagen, camera collecting, getting/sending mail, Good Records, radiohead, road trips, antique shopping/garage sales, collaging, new recipes and Central Market, babysitting bratfaces, that isn't something i love as much as it is something i do to make a living I suppose. I go to school for 'advertising' and while I really appreciate my education I....sort of think college is bogus. Really, I want to one day escape to a remote island and raise a family with a fully equipt kitchen and no government or transportation and a really funny husband. I wish I could write. Instead I ramble. Good to have... introduced myself.

currently listening to Jeff Tweedy:  In A Future Age.

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